Understanding Consumers

Oblique Observations

Identify the unresolved needs of your customers through oblique observations by going beyond the declarative and determining the key insights that will enable you to ensure the relevance of your offer.

A method that places the human factor at the heart of the innovation process.

By analysing people in situ in their environment, we will identify the unresolved needs of your customers and determine the key insights that will enable you to ensure the relevance of your offering.

“We do not see the world as it is; we see the world as we are.” – Kant

Why Choose Oblique Observations?

Go Beyond Self-Reported Data:

To go beyond the declarative:

Differentiate between what consumers say and what they really do by getting round cognitive biases.

A naïve observer only sees the obvious, what is already known! So we decided to create the ‘claims’ method to prepare observations and analyse consumers obliquely.


Our solutions

  • Usage Observations

    An in situ analysis method to detect what you’ve never seen before in your users’ behaviour and usage: • Observe and film individuals in real-life, in unbiased situations. • Analyse behaviour and usage beyond the declarative.

  • Market Observations

    A method of analysis to boost your company’s performance on the market: • Challenge the certainties and conventions of your ecosystem by observing the entire value chain of your market precisely, rather than casually. Use the “key insights” detected by our analyses to define your market approach.

Key Steps of Oblique Observation

  • Understanding

    Target your needs. • Define your challenges. • Explore your universe. • Study your market.

  • Analyzing

    Observer et filmer les individus en situation réelle et sans biais sur la base des postulats d’observation • De l’analyse des comportements et des usages jusqu’à l’ensemble de la chaine de valeur de votre marché, les observations obliques permettent de détecter ce que vous n’avez jamais vu auparavant chez vos clients et consommateurs : émotions, attentes, motivations, besoins.

  • Detecting

    Identify key insights—discoveries that reveal new, significant information about your market or product.

  • Transforming

    Turn key insights into actionable insights with innovation projects.

Success story

They Trust Us

Connaissances consommateurs nos clients

Success Story

  • Urgo

    Field observation in hospitals and private practice: identifying innovative solutions for the treatment of complex wounds