Innovation Collective Intelligence

Born from France’s leading product design agency, we are the only ones to offer change management through design and innovation.

Our Exclusive Approach Is Built Around 4 Pillars

  • Strategy Visualizers

    Strategic Priority Mapping (SPM): Structuring the vision of the future together. • We collaboratively create a network of your company’s priorities: targets or markets are symbolized by zones, different facets of the company’s strategy are mapped on lines, and projects are represented as stations or hubs. • Combining a one-page summary with the ability to track deadlines makes SPM the ultimate strategy visualization tool.

  • Competence prospectors

    Oblique Vision Canvas (OVC): Identifying business opportunities. • Just as the Business Model Canvas structures your commercial ideas, the Oblique Vision Canvas helps identify development and commercialization opportunities for your ideas. • Oblique Observations: Gaining a view of the world as your target audience experiences and feels it—not just as they describe it.

  • Market exploiters

    Project Portfolio Mapping: Ensuring alignment between markets and your future offerings. • Together, we map your current and future projects using the four possible market positioning strategies (leader, challenger, conqueror, and pioneer), also taking into account strategic importance and maturity levels.

  • Process providers

    Structuring and Leading Collective Intelligence: Aligning your entire team with enhanced design thinking. • Implementing an innovation governance system tailored to your needs.

“Through executive coaching and project teams support, we structure the vision for the future and ensure the relevance of proposed solutions.”